Whenever my mind wanders (and it often does,) away from the stability of the Shepherd, I find myself fretting the unknown. The world has been in a panic-stricken state for the last few weeks, and is increasingly overwhelming us with the insidiousness of COVID-19 news. Our school halls are now emptied of the normal hustle and bustle of students and teachers, and the homes are now full-to-overflowing with the energy of kids feeling as if they are on vacation, yet not. It is always our prayer here at Twin Valley Bible Academy to be a supportive supplement to the home and do our best in aiding families along their journey of faith and education. We pray for our students and their parents to know the secure arms of our Heavenly Father are a refuge in times of trouble. He knows those who trust Him, and His love is everlasting - a world pandemic cannot negate that truth.
He is faithful, unchanging and nothing we face is a surprise to Him.
Common sense and right citizenship are both a gift to be exercised, not just now when the world is facing uncertainty, but each and every day. We live in a country with more resources and freedoms than any other. God's hand, sadly, has not been welcomed here for many years now, and it seemingly always takes a battle for our Nation to band together and pray. Even so, we, as children of God, are called to do just that - pray - always! And our Father promises that when we do pray, and we turn from our wicked ways, and seek His face, He will hear us, forgive and heal our lands.
So, as a staff and faculty, we commit our days unto the Lord, and as we get the opportunity to do good, we will do so to all people, especially the household of faith. For we know empty school halls fill homes with so much opportunity for families to be families, and God to show up in big ways (and small ones.)
As we navigate this life together, may we place our well-being in the hands of the One whose palms bear the scars of a life given for ours - they work His good, always!
Mrs. Brown